Storlek: 55674
Storlek: 72753
Raderingar markeras som den här. | Bidrag är markerade som den här. |
Linje 3: | Linje 3: |
The following is part of a continuing story about my family with roots at the farm Busvebacken in Bringasen village, Kyrkas parish and Jamtland district in northern Sweden, and all the familys neverending curiosity for living societies and politics in Sweden and in foreign countries. There are also very good, not to say maybe uniqe storytellers in the big crowd of familymembers´intense letter writing during the years beside to their ordinary work with skilled farming and political and social engagements. | ''Jan Nilsson comments: The following is part of a continuing story about my family with roots at the farm Busvebacken in Bringasen village, Kyrkas parish and Jamtland district in northern Sweden, and all the family members neverending curiosity for living societies and politics in Sweden and abroad. There are also very good, not to say maybe uniqe storytellers in the big crowd of family member´s intense letter writing during the years beside to their ordinary work with skilled farming and political and social engagements. The story behind my familys settlement i Kyrkas is kind of the story about historic farming which I have tried to describe in english at the site EnglishSummary. |
Linje 9: | Linje 13: |
First photo ever of Hans Hansson is from 1868, the three eldest boys of Hans Andersson, Jonas, Ante(Anders) and at that time the youngest Hans jr(right in too big a kostume). Just two years later began Hans Anderssons 20-years-period in the Swedish parliament where he had to stay in Stockholm the five first months of every year. His wife Brita had to manage the farm with the help of an employed farmhand when Hans was away, but from the year 1875 all routine work was done by the family. Here Hans jr had many opportunities to learn and practise the carpenting and timber work which later became his occupation during his stay in Michigan. On a farm like this one with wooden houses there where built and maintained hay sheds, horse stables, cow stables etc nearly every year and there could be more than thirty individual roofs to take care of. 1884 was the last year with whole family at home - mid picture. The son Hans jr stands to the right, and daughter Anna (left side) married the same year. Annas daughter Kristina painted the first coloured picture (right above) of the farm 1911 - the year when Hans jr made his first trip to the U S. From the year 1904 does Annas 17-year-old son Hans Ericson start his photogenic work with picturing relatives and other people, farms, livinghouses and landscapes in the surroundings of Kyrkas, which illustrates my notes from 1904 and forwards to around WW2. Here it´s time to mention a confusing use of swedish surnames. There was an official change in naming children which started with the year of 1900. Children born before 1900 usually were given surnames with their fathers´ Christian name in it, e g son of Hans - Hansson or daugter of Jonas - Jonsdotter. Women kept their original surnames even after marriage. The year 1900 it changed so sons and daughters got the same surname as their father's and women changed to husband's surname at marriage. That´s the reason why the mother of Hans Hansson born 1826 is called Brita Jonsdotter before 1900 and Brita Andersson after 1900, while Hans Hansson´s wife Karin Jacobsdotter was Hansson after marriage and their sons Martin and Joe were Hansson after their fathers surname. Hans jr was born 1861 as the fourth of coming six children to the newly established farmer couple Hans Andersson and his wife Brita Jonsdotter on a new farm in Bringasen. Both the parents came from very longstanding and skilled farming families in the small neighbor villages. At that time the school system in Kyrkas only supplied a low grade primary school of three or four years. which moved between farms from village to village. A kind of secondary boarding school, one or two years, was available in Lit, where I know that at least Ante studied. Otherwise there was a tradition of self-tuition parents-to-children in the families several generations backwards which, according to Antes later biography on his father (Hans Andersson), was said to has gotten him enough math skills from his father Anders Larsson to be able to manage and lead the economy of the Parish, and that was the same way Hans A´s father Anders Larsson also had got his leadership of the Parish from his father Lars Andersson from Lit. After Hans A had been a MP (1870) he sent lots of litterature for self-tuition home to his family from Stockholm, and that made the whole family very well skilled in community work, political science and familiar with the global world. I am sure that all children were as curious of knowledge as Hans Andersson himself who in some letters to the home complained about that his eyes were stressed because of all the reading he had to do. All family members were engaged for better education, locally by initiating and raising houses and employed a skilled teacher for the first secondary school on a division from Busvebacken the same corner where Hans jr got his holding. Hans sr also was engaged for arranging basic education and further advisory in farming skills in Jamtland as early as in 1870ties. There is no doubt that Hans jr also was very well-red. Some time in his life he made up his mind to learn about bible studies, which no one in the rest of the family had done, in spite the normal way to make academic career for boys with a good head for studies was teological studies at a university. Neither intelligence nor economy should have prevented him or any of the other children at the time on Busvebacken to do that, but I think (from their writings) that all of them had a more firm belief in working with earthbound development in real life than to do studies in oldfashoned imaginations and religous governing as a priest. Another preparation for the future took place when Hans Andersson and Brita decided to make a partition of the estate and inheritance 1887. Ante, the eldest son, who married that year got the estate Busvebacken, and had to pay the worth of equal shares to the other sisters and brothers. With his share could Jonas buy their mother Britas home stead in Lungre from Brita´s retiring brother (without heirs). Hans jr got a small division from the estate as a crofter´s holding, which he built up with small farm buildings during the 1890ties before he, 39 year-old, married 18 year-old Karin Jacobsdotter from Undersaker the year 1900. That holding was later expanded with an estate 1 mile away in Kyrkbyn near to the old Kyrkas Church, and when Joe returned to Bringasen 1946 he expanded even more with Maja´s home estate in Lillsjohogen and two rented estates. The eldest sister, Anna, was already married to a farmer in Bringasen, and the two youngest ones married to farming estates also around the year 1900. After that it allways seemed to be a good mood between the familys of sister´s and brother´s and they cooperated often as independent enterprices in different ways. {{|Hans Hansson Stockholm 1891|width=100}} Hans Hansson in a studio photo, Stockholm 1891. Hans jr was possibly the only one who made a compromise between realities and divine interests, and went to Stockholm around 1890 for learning to work as a pastor in the Evangelical church. These studies led him to work as a pastor in Undersaker, Jamtland where he also found his wife Karin. I also think that the emigrated relatives of Karin trigged Hans jr´s interest for American studies and the later emigration with the family. I have also in other letter exhanges found that there was a national discussion in Sweden around 1910 about why the great emigration took place. Ante and maybe even Hans were engaged in a political association with the task to prevent or slow down Swedish emigration at that time. Hans Hanssons work with the Evangelical church was passed on by heredity to his sons, who were strongly engaged in a small parish in High Point, Issaqua, Wa, where they settled down after their emigration 1927. That little parish is still living with earlier support from Martin Hansson and now from his descendants. |
Linje 14: | Linje 44: |
Karin Hansson with Martin and Joe cutting hay at home in Bringasen, probably summer 1912. Photos Hans Ericsson. '' '''Amerikabrev''' Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson 602 Iron River, Misch. U.S.A. ½ 1912. |
Here is probably one of first photos by Hans Ericson with Karin, Hans and about one-year-old Joe in the back of their new house in Bringasen 1904. The studiophoto with Martin too is taken in the town Ostersund 1907, while the third is pictured by Hans Ericson 1911 or 1912 when Hans Hansson was in America the first time. Karin Hansson with Martin and Joe are cutting hay at home in Bringasen. ----------------------------------------------------------------- '''Amerikabrev''' Hans Hansson wrote to Ante (A J Hansson): 2 Iron River, Misch. U.S.A. ½ 1912. |
Linje 42: | Linje 74: |
''The year of 1912 is Hans Hansson alone in Michigan, he wrote to A J Hansson'' | '''The year of 1912 is Hans Hansson alone in Michigan, he wrote to A J Hansson:''' |
Linje 57: | Linje 89: |
May not farming become the most brigthening future for America? | May not farming become the most brigthening future for America? |
Linje 65: | Linje 97: |
Here are, like somewhere else globally, very good and very bad people. They are very kind as workers. There are few exceptions from that. The character will became somewhat else here. "Help yourself" is the norm. Accordingly they don´t interfere with others´ businesses. The political mess so common in Sweden is totally absent here. You know that it´s not on politics but on work you can exist . Maybe they will move a bit at the presidential election. And in the papers there is nearly all silence. Always there is normally a good industrial peace forever. Sometimes a strike can occur, but politics is quiet. As far as I am concerned I will say like many others: "America is all right, and Sweden is all right". | Here are, like somewhere else globally, very good and very bad people. They are very kind as workers. There are few exceptions from that. The character will became somewhat else here. "Help yourself" is the norm. Accordingly they don´t interfere with others´ businesses. The political mess so common in Sweden is totally absent here. You know that it´s not on politics but on work you can exist. Maybe they will move a bit at the presidential election. And in the papers there is nearly all silence. Always there is normally a good industrial peace forever. Sometimes a strike can occur, but politics is quiet. As far as I am concerned I will say like many others: "America is all right, and Sweden is all right". |
Linje 70: | Linje 102: |
In Januari there was a cold weather down to 46 farenheit = around 43 celcius. It turned out well thou. You stay inside at cold weather. January was colder than ever within living memory. Nice weather occurred before Christmas. Today has been mild weather, so now it will probaly turn and in March we expect that the 8 inches of snow will be gone. Otherwise have winters of the last years been very mild with less amounts of snow than earlier, when the forests of Michigan had their golden age. Now I have to quit, because I cannot wright a comprehensive letter about this country. You must understand that a journey to America is very interesting, so just a small part of that can be told in a letter. Greetings to mother and all in Backen! I will probably write to mother later on. | In Januari there was a cold weather down to 46 farenheit = around 43 celcius. It turned out well tho. You stay inside at cold weather. January was colder than ever within living memory. Nice weather occurred before Christmas. Today has been mild weather, so now it will probaly turn and in March we expect that the 8 inches of snow will be gone. Otherwise have winters of the last years been very mild with less amounts of snow than earlier, when the forests of Michigan had their golden age. Now I have to quit, because I cannot write a comprehensive letter about this country. You must understand that a journey to America is very interesting, so just a small part of that can be told in a letter. Greetings to mother and all in Backen! I will probably write to mother later on. |
Linje 73: | Linje 106: |
P.S There is still plenty of room for emigrants in the U S. Remember that geography tell us it is nearly 3000 (swedish?)miles between the eastern and the western Seas, and between north and south there are some 1,500 miles. If it starts to be overpopulated , i think ports will be closed. | P.S There is still plenty of room for emigrants in the U S. Remember that geography tell us it is nearly 3000 ''(swedish?)'' miles between the eastern and the western Seas, and between north and south there are some 1,500 miles. If it starts to be overpopulated, I think ports will be closed. |
Linje 80: | Linje 113: |
''Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson'' ''602 Iron River, Mich. U.S.A. 29 sept. 1912 |
''Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson: 602 Iron River, Mich. U.S.A. 29 sept. 1912 |
Linje 104: | Linje 137: |
A very large building construction work is done on this place this summer and may continue until the winter cold starts. | Very large building construction works are done on this place this summer and may continue until the winter cold starts. |
Linje 111: | Linje 144: |
''Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson'' ''602 Iron River, Mich. 14 nov. 1912 |
''Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson: 602 Iron River, Mich. 14 nov. 1912 |
Linje 137: | Linje 170: |
''Jan Nilsson comments'' '' '''År 1914 andra resan, hela familjen till Iron River, Michigan''' Hela familjen åkte i juni år 1914, strax före första världskrigets utbrott, tillbaka, en resa som målande beskrivs i följande sammanställning av Karin Hanssons dagboksanteckningar. Därefter följer ett betydligt svulstigare utdrag kallat Avresan, ur en liten bok som Hans skrivit om sina erfarenheter från Amerikaresorna, "I Amerika vid världskriget - Kulturbilder och reflexioner av H.Hansson" utgiven 1930. Målet för den första emigrationen var en plats som heter Iron River i Michigan state, strax söder om den västligaste av de stora sjöarna. Även i den här vändan arbetar Hans som byggmästare på mindre husbyggen. Efter något år arrenderar familjen även ett välordnat och produktivt jordbruk. Platsen där beskrivs lite närmare i Karins brev till Undersåker 1918 nedan. Bara några veckor före avresan till Amerika befann sig Karin i Stockholm på ett längre sjukhusbesök då hon skrev följande brev adresserat till sonen Josef. Jag tror att Stina, som hjälpte till, var grannen Nils Anderssons dotter, gift med Per Karlsa, känd organist som kom från Skjör.'' ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ''The year is 1914, WW1 begun in late summer and the whole family did the journey to Iron River, Michigan just before in June. |
''Jan Nilsson comments: '''The year is now 1914, WW1 begun in late summer and the whole family did the journey to Iron River, Michigan just before in June.''' |
Linje 151: | Linje 178: |
Fiften years later Hans wrote a small paperback book in swedish, about his experiences from his two journeys, from which I have choosed a chapter with the familys voyage 1914. This is a much more bombastic description than the one that his wife Karin made, maybe influenced from his biblical studies and his work as a pastor in Undersaker to. The name of his book is in my translation: "In America at the World War - cultural pictures and reflexions by H. Hansson" edited 1930. The content of this book can also be a collection of the same letters to Swedish papers which he mentions in the following letters to Bringasen (I have not checked them up!). |
Fiften years later Hans wrote a small paperback book in Swedish, about his experiences from his two journeys, from which I have choosed a chapter with the familys voyage 1914. This is a much more bombastic description than the one that his wife Karin made, maybe influenced from his biblical studies and his work as a pastor in Undersaker to. The name of his book is in my translation: "In America at the World War - cultural pictures and reflexions by H. Hansson" edited 1930. The content of this book can also be a collection of the same letters to Swedish papers which he mentions in the following letters to Bringasen (Jan Nilsson have not checked them up!). Tho, just a couple of months before departure Karin had some health trouble and she had gone to Stockholm.... |
Linje 156: | Linje 185: |
Karin Hansson wrote to son Joe'' ''Stockholm 14 April 1914 |
Karin Hansson wrote to son Joe: Stockholm 14 April 1914 |
Linje 167: | Linje 196: |
Linje 171: | Linje 201: |
''Karin Hansson wrote'' | |
Linje 177: | Linje 207: |
You want to hear a little about Stockholm. Today I was reading on the wall of Sofiah. , that the king was sleeping 10 hours this night, temperature 37 (degree C), pulse 59, recovery is proceeding. When I got the letters I also saw a flowerbed with white and yellow flowers in April. Yesterday some children picked hepaticas out at Saltsjobaden. At the Nordic Museum I have seen lots of remarkable things. Men and women with clothes and in full size. But curiously all of them had the same shape of their faces, they were probably cast in the same mould. At the Royal Armory I saw the horse of King Gustav II Adolf, stuffed and all natural, even could I see the shirts and stockings belonging to the Hero King when he died. They were all very bloodstained. At the National Museum I have seen masterpieces by great artists. Pictures cut in marble, Carl XIV Johan mounting his horse, Gustaf II Adolf, Gustaf III and so on. A mother giving suck to her little baby and much more, all of it in white marble. | You want to hear a little about Stockholm. Today I was reading on the wall of Sofiah. , that the king was sleeping 10 hours this night, temperature 37 (degrees C), pulse 59, recovery is proceeding. When I got the letters I also saw a flowerbed with white and yellow flowers in April. Yesterday some children picked hepaticas out at Saltsjobaden. At the Nordic Museum I have seen lots of remarkable things. Men and women with clothes and in full size. But curiously all of them had the same shape of their faces, they were probably cast in the same mould. At the Royal Armory I saw the horse of King Gustav II Adolf, stuffed and all natural, even could I see the shirts and stockings belonging to the Hero King when he died. They were all very bloodstained. At the National Museum I have seen masterpieces by great artists. Pictures cut in marble, Carl XIV Johan mounting his horse, Gustaf II Adolf, Gustaf III and so on. A mother giving suck to her little baby and much more, all of it in white marble. |
Linje 182: | Linje 212: |
''Karin Hansson wrote'' | ''Karin Hansson wrote: |
Linje 223: | Linje 253: |
''Karin Hansson wrote'' | |
Linje 238: | Linje 268: |
England is wery much in advance of Sweden in farm harvesting. They had already harvested the green forage and all kinds of grain vere in full bloom. Thr rye had formed ears. They also used leaf hedges instead of fences. This give the country a very nice wiew. The country also has a very extensive channel system. At every little farm there flowed water in a small channel. Nearly all kinds of bushes had flowers. But living houses were not good. It is true that most houses were erected of brick walls and tiles or slate roofs, but even worse ones with straw roofs. Both large and small houses were smoky and unpleasant. We didn´t see any real cowstable on the whole trip thro England. They probably keep their critters outside all the year round. Now and then did we run thro factory towns, which looked like cities, but oh what smokiness and unpleasantness. Sometimes did we go over a railway, sometimes under one. England do really have many railways. | England is wery much in advance of Sweden concerning the farmers harvesting. They had already harvested the green forage and all kinds of grain vere in full bloom. The rye had formed ears. They also used leaf hedges instead of fences. This give the country a very nice wiew. The country also has a very extensive channel system. At every little farm there flowed water in a small channel. Nearly all kinds of bushes had flowers. But living houses were not good. It is true that most houses were erected of brick walls and tiles or slate roofs, but even worse ones with straw roofs. Both large and small houses were smoky and unpleasant. We didn´t see any real cowstable on the whole trip thro England. They probably keep their critters outside all the year round. Now and then did we run thro factory towns, which looked like cities, but oh what smokiness and unpleasantness. Sometimes did we go over a railway, sometimes under one. England do really have many railways. |
Linje 244: | Linje 274: |
Life onboard is very changable. The orchestra is playing twice every day. We eat three times and have a cup of clear soup whith crackers at 11 a.m.. Tea at 4 p.m.. The cabin is nice with electric lights and all comforts, irreproachably white blankets and a change of towels every day. Food was first class. There are bathrooms if yoy will take a bath. | Life onboard is very changable. The orchestra is playing twice every day. We eat three times and have a cup of clear soup whith crackers at 11 a.m.. Tea at 4 p.m.. The cabin is nice with electric lights and all comforts, irreproachably white blankets and a change of towels every day. Food was first class. There are bathrooms if you will take a bath. |
Linje 271: | Linje 301: |
''Hans Hansson wrote in one chapter of his book, 1930 | ''Hans Hansson wrote in one of the chapters about the departure to America in his book, 1930: |
Linje 286: | Linje 316: |
''Hans Hansson wrote in his book (1930) about the departure to America 1914:'' | |
Linje 290: | Linje 320: |
At the quay was Mauretania awaiting her depart within a short time. The servants from the Cunard hotel returned back, pleased after getting their usual amount of tips, english silver coins. We stepped high upwards the steep gangway and reached the second class deck of the gigant ship. Their met a team of obliging beings. And after a quick control the tickets we were led in a high speed to the appropriate cabin. Nearly two thousands of travellers, most of them emigrants, were gathered onboard and divided amongst different floors. Nnevertheless there were nocrowding. As an exception you can note third class deck, and there was a need of more seatings. | At the quay was Mauretania awaiting her depart within a short time. The servants from the Cunard hotel returned back, pleased after getting their usual amount of tips, english silver coins. We stepped high upwards the steep gangway and reached the second class deck of the gigant ship. Their met a team of obliging beings. And after a quick ticket control we were led in a high speed to the appropriate cabin. Nearly two thousands of travellers, most of them emigrants, were gathered onboard and divided amongst different floors. Nevertheless there were no crowding. As an exception you can note third class deck, and there was a need of more seatings. |
Linje 298: | Linje 328: |
The feeling of hunger seized the crowd of travellers – when it is good weather the appetite of a wolf catch people on the sea. Pains of said kind had a thrustworthy cure, because the inside of our onrushing giant monster was supplied with an abundance of good food items. The chefs of the ship had been on time. The bell called for dinner. ”The kind of people I like”, as one of the officials of the ship put it about the scandinavians, had the honor of sharing the table with Englishmen. Because; ”the Swedishman is good”, as one Englishman said, och for that the honor to the Swedes. But ”the Niggers” - it is south eropeans and others - which originated from less cultured people was conformed to their equals. | The feeling of hunger seized the crowd of travellers – when it is good weather the appetite of a wolf catch people on the sea. Pains of said kind had a thrustworthy cure, because the inside of our onrushing giant monster was supplied with an abundance of good food items. The chefs of the ship had been on time. The bell called for dinner. ”The kind of people I like”, as one of the officials of the ship put it about the scandinavians, had the honor of sharing the table with Englishmen. Because; ”the Swedishman is good”, as one Englishman said, och for that the honor to the Swedes. But ”the Niggers” - those are South Europeans and others - which originated from less cultured people were conformed to their equals. |
Linje 301: | Linje 331: |
{{|Josef och Martin i Iron River|width=400}} {{|Karin o Martin 1 aug 1920|width=350}} {{|Hans and Karin 1925|width=400}} {{|Martin, Hans and Joe 1926|with=400}} |
''Jan Nilsson comments: '''The year 1915''' A little letter from Martin´s cousin of same age, Karin Hansson, Busvebacken to Martin on his probably first year in America.. She became a lifelong penfriend to Martin, lasting until they reached over 90-years of age, but in this first try she forgot the dating of year. It ought to be 1915 when Karin was 9 and Martin 10. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bringåsen den 5 December Kusin Martin Tack för kortet. Jag kände ej igen er strax för ni har blivit så stora. Jag har skrivit flera gånger men det har ej blivit skickat. Går nu i Kläppe på skolan och det är roligt. Erik skall börja efter jul han för då blir den i Lungre. Men vi skall vara i Kläppe 5 veckor efter jul också. Jag bor hos Karin Bengtsson och hon är mycket snäll skall du tro så det är mycket roligt. Jag började skolan den 11 Januari och var examen den 21 Maj och nu började vi i Kläppe den 15 November. Går nu i tredje klass så kanske jag får börja i Folkskolan nästa år. Fick se en flygmaskin i Mars han flög hit från stan Farmor såg den också för han flög mitt över flaggstången på gården. Erik skulle också ha skrivit lite, men han har ej lärt sig så han kan skriva än, men han helsar så mycket. Vi mår bra och du har det nog roligt i Amerika, skall ni inte komma hem snart! Skulle helsa till dig och Josef och Farbror och Faster från Farmor hon mår som vanligt. Helsningar från din kusin Karin Hansson Bringåsen'' oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bringasen 5th of December Cousin Martin Thanks for Your photo. I din´t recognize it were you, because you are so large. I have written several times but it wasn´t sent away. Now I am at school in Klappe and I enjoy it. Erik has to start school after Christmas, when it cames to Lungre but we are staying in Klappe 5 weeks after Christmas too. I started school at Januari 11th and had exam at May 21st, and now did we start in Klappe at November 15th. I´m now doing third grade so maybe I will start secondary school next year. In Mars I caught sight of an aeroplane he flew from town and Grandma saw it too because he flew straght over the flag pole on the farmyard. Erik should have written a bit too, but he hasn´t learnt writing yet, but he is Greeting so much. We are well and I think You are enjoying America, aren´t You coming back soon! Should send greetings to you and Josef and Uncle and Aunt from Grandma she is as usual. Greetings from your cousin Karin Hansson Bringasen {{|Josef och Martin i Iron River|width=250}} {{|Flying photo of Busvebacken 2004|width=400}} {{|Martin America 1917|width=150}} ''Martin and Joe selling milk in Iron River? The air photo of Busvebacken is from 2004 but show exactly the same red-painted buldings which my mother Karin had around at 1915. Martin´s photo is from 1917, Iron River.'' ------------------------------------- ''Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson: 114 Stambaugh, Mich. 16.5. 1915. Bäste Bror Ante! Nu ändtligen tar jag mig tillfälle tacka för och besvara ditt bref. När jag nu sökte reda på det, fann jag dess dato vara första mars. Tiden går ju så fort, så man knappt följer med. I vinter har ju en hel del arbetsfolk gått utan sysselsättning i det här landet. Många af dem skulle visserligen ha kunnat erhålla någon sämre aflönad verksamhet, om de bara velat. Men hellre än en ringa aflöning hos farmare eller i skogsarbete föredraga de gå sysslolösa, tills mera inkomstbringande arbete gifves. Som vanligt bli förtjänsttillfällena flera och bättre på sommaren. Jämfördt med gamla Sverige är Amerika alltid stadt i en jäsande och storslagen utveckling. Från amerikansk synpunkt att se, är nu ”dålig tid”, men ej på långt när som under den gamla demokratitiden. Dagaflöningarna ha i allmänhet icke gått ner något betydligare. Men så ha ju demokraterna ej regerat värst länge ännu. Demokraterna äro ett sorts ”liberalt” parti, som lofvar rundt och ej förmår hålla annat än tunt. Då republikanerna som antagligt är, snart åter komma till makten, väntar man ett uppsving på affärsmarknaden som aldrig tillförne. En rik tysk härstädes bygger flera hus i sommar, emedan som han sade, nästa år det ej går att få en man för pengar. För närvarande bygger jag ett ”logghus”, d.v.s. ett hus af rundt cedertimmer. Det skall användas till häst- och automobilstall. Det ligger ett stycke utanför stan, på vacker plats vid sjön och tillhör en tandläkare Tyler. Till uppassare eller handtlangare har jag haft en fransman, en rysk polack och Österrikisk tyrolare. Som de äro fredliga till lynnet, så går det bra. Samma doktor skall ock bygga sitt boningshus af ”logg” = rundtimmer. Grunden är snart färdig och det varit ifrågasatt arbete för mig äfven där. Som jag ej velat skolka från byggnadsarbetet någon dag, har jag sista veckan haft det särdeles ”knogigt”, emedan jag på kvällen, efter kl. 6 plantat potatis för egen farming. Jag torde komma att planta betydligt många bushel. Men för potatis har det varit skäligen tidigt tills dato. Det kan dock vara skäligt försöka få några tidiga, ty för såna kan man få 20 a 30 kronor tunnan, efter svensk räkning. I senare hälften af april hade vi delvis riktig sommar. En kväll kl. 8 mättes temperaturen till 9 gr. Celsius. En dag antecknades 25 gr. i skuggan. I maj varit mera omväxlande. I dag varit snöblandat regn. Stundom inträffade någon kall natt. Och möjligen komma flera än, ty säker sommar är ej att vänta förr än i juni. Den 21 maj. Ända tills i dag har det här brefvet kvarlegat. Brådskan i veckan har förhindrat afsändandet. Denna vecka har inträffat kalla nätter, så nu har äppleblommor och en hel del löf på träden frusit. I dag såväl som dagar förut regnat, hvarför här blir en god höskörd. Af tidningarna ser du den storslagna politik våran president för. När något hundratal amerikaner våga sig gå åstad med Lusitania, som gick till botten, då protesterar presidenten på storslagit sätt mot Tyskland; men han tyckes finna det ”all right”, om amerikanare sända en mängd ammunition, som tar död på hundratusentals tyskar. Men se, presidenten skall väl ock han visa sig vara kar någon gång. Det låter något, och skall väl gifva en skörd af bifall från de patriotiska amerikanerna. Må den fredstid snart komma, som har sin grund i människors omskapelse i kristendomens anda. Hälsa mor m. flera från oss! Bror Hans. '' ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 114 Stambaugh, Mich. 16.5.1915. Dearest Brother Ante! At last do I now make time to thank you for and to answer your letter. When I now looked it up, I found the date of it to be March 1st. Time is passing so fast, that you can hardly follow. This winter have a lot of working people been without labor in this country. Many of them was probably able to get some labor with lower payments if they had wanted to. But more than a small payment by a farmer or in the forestry they prefer to go without a job, until one more profitable is given to them. As usual the profitable works are more numerous and better in the summer. Compared to old Sweden is America always in the midst of a fermenting and great development. From American perspective, is it nowadays a ”bad time”, but no ways like during the democratic times. The daily payments have not lowered very much. But also have´t the Democrats governed for a especially long time yet. The Democrats are sort of a ”liberal” party, promising a lot, fulfil ne´er a lot. As the Republicans probably soon will return into the power, people are awaiting a raise as never before in business markets. A wealthy German in this place are building several houses this summer, as it will be impossible to get labor for money the next year, as he said. At present, I´m building a ”loghouse”, e g a house of round cedar logs. It is a stable aimed for horses and automobiles. It is situated only a short distance outside town, in a beautiful place at the lake and belongs to a Dentist Tyler. As assistants or helpers have I got a French, a russian Polish and an Austrian Tiroler. It works well, as they are in a peaceful temper. The same doctor will also build his living house of ”logs” = round logs. Soon the foundation is ready and there is a question of further work for me here too. As I didn´t want to shirk from constructing works a day, have I had it especially ”trudgy” the last week, because in the evenings, after 6 o´clock I have planted potatoes for my own farming. I may be planting quite a lot of bushels. But it has been too early for potatoes yet. Maybe it´s a good idea get some early ones, because they can give you 20 a 30 crowns a barrel after Swedish counting. Late half of april did we get a real summer. One evening at 8 o´clock was temperature measured to 9 degrees Celcius. One day did we make a note of 25 degrees in the shade. At May was more changing. Today was mixed rain and snow. Sometimes occur a cold night. And possibly will there still be several, because a reliable summer is not to wait for before June. May 21st Right up today has this letter stayed. The hurry of this week has prevented me sending it. This week brought cold nights, so now are flowers and a lot of leafs on apple trees frozen. Today as well as earlier days it was raining, which means we´ll have a good hay crop. From papers you will see the great politics of our president. When a hundred of Americans dare to go away with Lusitania, which wrecked, then the president is protesting magnificently, against Germany; but he seems to find it all right, if the Americans bring a lot of ammunition, which kill hundreds of thousands of germans. But you see, the President will also show bravery some times. That tells something, and will meet with approval from the patriotic Americans. May it soon be peacetimes founded by the transformation of human beings in a Christian spirit. Greetings to Mother and others from us! Brother Hans. -------------------------------------------- {{|Karin o Martin 1 aug 1920|width=350}} {{|Hans and Karin 1925|width=550}} {{|Martin, Hans and Joe 1926|width=300}} |
America fever
Jan Nilsson comments:
The following is part of a continuing story about my family with roots at the farm Busvebacken in Bringasen village, Kyrkas parish and Jamtland district in northern Sweden, and all the family members neverending curiosity for living societies and politics in Sweden and abroad. There are also very good, not to say maybe uniqe storytellers in the big crowd of family member´s intense letter writing during the years beside to their ordinary work with skilled farming and political and social engagements.
The story behind my familys settlement i Kyrkas is kind of the story about historic farming which I have tried to describe in english at the site EnglishSummary.
Short story about Hans Hansson and his family
First photo ever of Hans Hansson is from 1868, the three eldest boys of Hans Andersson, Jonas, Ante(Anders) and at that time the youngest Hans jr(right in too big a kostume). Just two years later began Hans Anderssons 20-years-period in the Swedish parliament where he had to stay in Stockholm the five first months of every year. His wife Brita had to manage the farm with the help of an employed farmhand when Hans was away, but from the year 1875 all routine work was done by the family. Here Hans jr had many opportunities to learn and practise the carpenting and timber work which later became his occupation during his stay in Michigan. On a farm like this one with wooden houses there where built and maintained hay sheds, horse stables, cow stables etc nearly every year and there could be more than thirty individual roofs to take care of.
1884 was the last year with whole family at home - mid picture. The son Hans jr stands to the right, and daughter Anna (left side) married the same year. Annas daughter Kristina painted the first coloured picture (right above) of the farm 1911 - the year when Hans jr made his first trip to the U S. From the year 1904 does Annas 17-year-old son Hans Ericson start his photogenic work with picturing relatives and other people, farms, livinghouses and landscapes in the surroundings of Kyrkas, which illustrates my notes from 1904 and forwards to around WW2.
Here it´s time to mention a confusing use of swedish surnames. There was an official change in naming children which started with the year of 1900. Children born before 1900 usually were given surnames with their fathers´ Christian name in it, e g son of Hans - Hansson or daugter of Jonas - Jonsdotter. Women kept their original surnames even after marriage. The year 1900 it changed so sons and daughters got the same surname as their father's and women changed to husband's surname at marriage. That´s the reason why the mother of Hans Hansson born 1826 is called Brita Jonsdotter before 1900 and Brita Andersson after 1900, while Hans Hansson´s wife Karin Jacobsdotter was Hansson after marriage and their sons Martin and Joe were Hansson after their fathers surname.
Hans jr was born 1861 as the fourth of coming six children to the newly established farmer couple Hans Andersson and his wife Brita Jonsdotter on a new farm in Bringasen. Both the parents came from very longstanding and skilled farming families in the small neighbor villages. At that time the school system in Kyrkas only supplied a low grade primary school of three or four years. which moved between farms from village to village. A kind of secondary boarding school, one or two years, was available in Lit, where I know that at least Ante studied. Otherwise there was a tradition of self-tuition parents-to-children in the families several generations backwards which, according to Antes later biography on his father (Hans Andersson), was said to has gotten him enough math skills from his father Anders Larsson to be able to manage and lead the economy of the Parish, and that was the same way Hans A´s father Anders Larsson also had got his leadership of the Parish from his father Lars Andersson from Lit.
After Hans A had been a MP (1870) he sent lots of litterature for self-tuition home to his family from Stockholm, and that made the whole family very well skilled in community work, political science and familiar with the global world. I am sure that all children were as curious of knowledge as Hans Andersson himself who in some letters to the home complained about that his eyes were stressed because of all the reading he had to do. All family members were engaged for better education, locally by initiating and raising houses and employed a skilled teacher for the first secondary school on a division from Busvebacken the same corner where Hans jr got his holding. Hans sr also was engaged for arranging basic education and further advisory in farming skills in Jamtland as early as in 1870ties.
There is no doubt that Hans jr also was very well-red. Some time in his life he made up his mind to learn about bible studies, which no one in the rest of the family had done, in spite the normal way to make academic career for boys with a good head for studies was teological studies at a university. Neither intelligence nor economy should have prevented him or any of the other children at the time on Busvebacken to do that, but I think (from their writings) that all of them had a more firm belief in working with earthbound development in real life than to do studies in oldfashoned imaginations and religous governing as a priest.
Another preparation for the future took place when Hans Andersson and Brita decided to make a partition of the estate and inheritance 1887. Ante, the eldest son, who married that year got the estate Busvebacken, and had to pay the worth of equal shares to the other sisters and brothers. With his share could Jonas buy their mother Britas home stead in Lungre from Brita´s retiring brother (without heirs).
Hans jr got a small division from the estate as a crofter´s holding, which he built up with small farm buildings during the 1890ties before he, 39 year-old, married 18 year-old Karin Jacobsdotter from Undersaker the year 1900. That holding was later expanded with an estate 1 mile away in Kyrkbyn near to the old Kyrkas Church, and when Joe returned to Bringasen 1946 he expanded even more with Maja´s home estate in Lillsjohogen and two rented estates.
The eldest sister, Anna, was already married to a farmer in Bringasen, and the two youngest ones married to farming estates also around the year 1900. After that it allways seemed to be a good mood between the familys of sister´s and brother´s and they cooperated often as independent enterprices in different ways.
Hans Hansson in a studio photo, Stockholm 1891.
Hans jr was possibly the only one who made a compromise between realities and divine interests, and went to Stockholm around 1890 for learning to work as a pastor in the Evangelical church. These studies led him to work as a pastor in Undersaker, Jamtland where he also found his wife Karin. I also think that the emigrated relatives of Karin trigged Hans jr´s interest for American studies and the later emigration with the family.
I have also in other letter exhanges found that there was a national discussion in Sweden around 1910 about why the great emigration took place. Ante and maybe even Hans were engaged in a political association with the task to prevent or slow down Swedish emigration at that time.
Hans Hanssons work with the Evangelical church was passed on by heredity to his sons, who were strongly engaged in a small parish in High Point, Issaqua, Wa, where they settled down after their emigration 1927. That little parish is still living with earlier support from Martin Hansson and now from his descendants.
Here is probably one of first photos by Hans Ericson with Karin, Hans and about one-year-old Joe in the back of their new house in Bringasen 1904. The studiophoto with Martin too is taken in the town Ostersund 1907, while the third is pictured by Hans Ericson 1911 or 1912 when Hans Hansson was in America the first time. Karin Hansson with Martin and Joe are cutting hay at home in Bringasen.
- Hans Hansson wrote to Ante (A J Hansson):
2 Iron River, Misch. U.S.A. ½ 1912. Käre bror! Nåd och frid! Jag har nog suddat som ej förr skrifvit till dig. Söker dock en fattig ursäkt i, att jag tänkt det en del af eller ur de många bref jag skickat hem, skulle gifva ock dig en del underrättelser. Jag tänker ock att de bref jag sänt till Jämtlandsposten äro observerade och nu äfven det i jan. detta år. Emellertid skall jag nu godtgöra en del af det försummade. Hvad jag skrifver om Amerika är ej i syfte hvarken för eller mot emigrationen, ty den synes mig vara personens individens ensak att afgöra, utan endast för att skildra saken sådan ”den stiger fram”. Om också andra komma med en motsatt åsikt, få de ha den, ty det ligger ej i min uppgift att strida med dem och söka vederlägga dem.
Då du nu anhåller om uttalanden af mig skall jag säga litet, som dock måste bli mera i klump, emedan utrymmet ej medger att skildra allt som sig borde. För med anledning af ditt bref om Sverges mossar, så tror jag de ha god framtid, och har tänkt att äfven det lilla jag har söder om Gillersjön skall vara kvar. Det samma gäller ock skogarna. De måste ovilkorligen bli dyrare än.
Men en annan åsikt har jag om Amerika än den som uttalas i medsända tidningsurklippet. Att farmer kunna utsugas här är väl lika möjligt, som t. ex. bolags vanhäfd af hemman i Sverige. Och sedan flyttar man till en ny trakt och sköflar där. De finnas annars än här, som endast skörda och göra annars litet och intet. De tycka sig lefva därmed. Minsta besväret med gödseln var mången gång stjälpa den i närmaste grop eller ock helt enkelt bränna den på stället. Ingen farmare är heller här så dum att han går och betalar så galet, som bönderna vid Östersund. Vill han ha gödsel, kan han förbida senvintern och då kan det i stället gifvas honom 25 cent lasset för han tar den. Gödselbehofvet är ej heller så stort. Man kan få se de präktigaste hafre och äfven höskördar på ogödslad mark. I allmänhet kan man ej gödsla för hafre emedan den då lägger sig och ruttnar. För min del anser jag att svartmålningen om Amerikas framtida skördar aldrig blir en verklighet. Det fattas bara att man här inför ett riktigt skötande af jorden, så skall man få se på annat. Och månne icke farming är det ljusaste framtida Amerika? Så tänker jag. Det är väl så som i Sverge. Den ene ser allt i mörker, den andre ser mera optimistiskt. Onödigt kan väl vara att peka på de oerhörda tillgångar af kol, järnmalm och andra metaller som finnas. Sådant kan naturligtvis, hur mycket det än är, i en aflägsen framtid utsina.
Det kan vara andra faror än det vidrörda, som hotar landet. Kommer in en för stor del af ”svartingar, slödder och dåligt arbetsfolk kan snart sagt allt lätt fördärfvas. Där anser jag vara en fara ej så liten. Men vi få komma ihåg att regeringen redan börjat inse detta och tar visst snart sina mått och steg i god riktning. För lösa arbetare, okunniga i något handtverk, synes mig ”Staterna” i allmänhet ej ha att erbjuda någon storslagen daglön. Arbetsbrist har man ock i Sverge, fast i mindre skala. En kastvedhuggare skulle jag ej vilja tillråda hellre jobba i sitt yrke här än i Sverge, ty lönn, som hugges till ved är otroligt hård att såga och tung sedan. Timret af den är naturligtvis ock tungt att handskas med. I många fall äro arbetena tyngre, farligare och svårare än i Sverge, men ej alltid. Man får ej tro att alla arbeten gå med hisklig fart i detta land. Det är allt olika härmed.
Har man med bra med pengar till Amerika, kan det hjälpa en bra i fart. I alla fall röner man i början rätt svåra hinder genom okunnighet i språket. Men det går öfver. Den personliga erfarenheten af Amerika är olika. Kan ock bero mycket på en själf. En gammal gubbe , som varit från familjen i Sverge 17 år sade sig tänkt resa hem. Han fick ej pengar öfver här. En gång fick han en likvid på nära 200 dollar, tänkte resa, men skulle först gå in på salon (krog) och där stannade pengarna och gubbens resa också. Superiet är ock här ett stort fördärf, och illdåden hafva oftast sammanhäng därmed.
Här finnes, som annorstädes i världen mycket godt och mycket dåligt folk. I arbete äro de mycket hyggliga. Undantag därifrån äro få. Karaktären synes bli något annorlunda här. ”Hjälp dig sjelf” är normen. Därför blandar man sig ganska litet i andras affärer. Det politiska vrövlet som är så allmänt i Sverge, kan man här få helt hvila ifrån. Man vet det är icke på politiken, utan på arbetet man skall lefva. Kanhända de röra på sig lite vid presidentvalet. Och i tidningarna är det i det närmaste alldeles tyst. Alltid har man i allmänhet god arbetsfred. Sträjk kan ju inträffa stundom, men politiken är det lungt med. För min del kan jag säga som många: ”Amerika är all right, och Sverge är all right”. Klimatet har en kraftig verkan på min person. Enbart min glupska aptit kan bevisa nog därom. Många förträffliga svenska vänner har jag ock, trifves godt och hoppas det bästa. Snart kommer svågern i Washington hit och då blir än bättre, tänker jag. Kallt var det i januari ända till 46 farenheit = vid pass 43 celsius. Det gick bra ändå. Man är inne vid köld. Januari varit kallare än i mannaminne. Fint var på förjul. I dag varit nästan blidt, så nu torde vända sig och i mars vänta vi den nu 8 tums djupa snön vara gången. Annars ha de senaste årens vintrar varit mycket blida med mindre snö än fordom, då Michigans skogar stodo i sin glansperiod. Må nu sluta, ty jag kan ändå inte komma med ett uttömmande bref om detta land. Du kan förstå det är mycket intressant i en amerikaresa, så blott litet däraf kan meddelas pr bref. Hälsa mor och alla på Backen! Jag skall väl skrifva till mor framdeles. Bror Hans
P.S. Det godt rum ännu i Förenta Staterna för emigranter. Kom ihåg att geografien säger det har en längd af nära 3,000 mil mellan hafven i öster och väster, och i norr och söder mäter vid pass 1,500 mil. Börjar det bli fullt af folk, stänges nog hamnarna för invandring.
Letters from America
The year of 1912 is Hans Hansson alone in Michigan, he wrote to A J Hansson:
602 Iron River, Mich, U.S.A. ½ 1912.
Dear Brother! Grace and Peace! I have probably been fuzzy not writing to You. Looking for a poor excuse in the fact that I thought You have got some information from a lot of the letters I have sent to my home. I´m also thinking that those letters sent to the paper "Jamtlandsposten" are observed, and now also that one sent in Jan. this year. However will I now make up for parts of what I have neglected.
What I'm writing about America is neither for or against the Emigration, because that is for me up to the individual's business of their own to decide, it´s just for telling the matter as that appear. If others tell a contradictual opinion, they may do, because it isn´t my task to fight them or to try to refute them.
As You now ask for my statements, I want to make it briefly, becuse space doesn´t admit an appropriate presentation. According to Your letter about the Mosses of Sweden, I think they will make a god future, and I want that the small one south of lake Gillersjon must remain.
But I have another opinion about America than what is said in enclosed press cutting. It is possible that farms here can be impoverished as well as e.g. impowerishments of homesteads in Sweden by companies. And then you go to another region and ravage again. Even here do you have people who just harvest and do nothing thereafter. They think that is sustainable. Easiest way to get rid of the manure was many times to put it in a nearby pit, or to burn it on the spot. No farmer hereby is silly enough to pay as mad as the farmers in Ostersund. If he wants manure, he can wait for late winter to get a payment of 25 cents a wagonload taken. The need for fertilisers isn´t strong. You can see the most excellent oat crops and also hay crops at non fertilised soils. Commonly you may not fertilise oats, because it will then lie down and rotten.
My belief is that the blackpaintings of the future crops of America will never occur. However there is a lack of good management of soils until you may see a change.
- May not farming become the most brigthening future for America? So am I thinking. Could be Sweden alike. One person sees everything in darkness, the other one is more optimistic. It isn´ t necessary to point at the enormous existing assets of coal, iron ore and other metals. Of course, in the remote future they can cease.
Other dangers than those mentioned can threaten the country. If too many "niggers", mobs and bad workers are coming can soon all of it easily be destroyed. In my opinion the fears will be not so little. But you may remember the government already have started to know, and presumably they will take care in a good direction. To loose workers without craftmanship I presume the U S generally will not have great wages for you. There is a lack of employment in Sweden but it is in a small scale. A firewood logger should I advise not to work here like in Sweden, because maple trees for firewood is unbeleavbly hard and heavy to cut up. Of coarse the maple logs too are hard to handle. Many times are the work heavier, more dangeros and more difficult than in Sweden, but not always. You may not beleave that all works are done in great hurry in this country. That is very various.
If you can bring good money with you to America it is helpful. Anyhow in the beginning is bad knowledge of the language a big obstacle. But that is passing. Your personal experience from America can be different. It often is depending of your own actions. An old man being away from his family in Sweden for 17 years said he would like to go home. He didn´t get any money left here. Once upon a time he got a payment near 200 dollars, decided to go, but at first he had to visit a saloon and there his money was left and so also his journey. Booze is even in this country a vast destruction, and the wicked deeds are often connected. Here are, like somewhere else globally, very good and very bad people. They are very kind as workers. There are few exceptions from that. The character will became somewhat else here. "Help yourself" is the norm. Accordingly they don´t interfere with others´ businesses. The political mess so common in Sweden is totally absent here. You know that it´s not on politics but on work you can exist. Maybe they will move a bit at the presidential election. And in the papers there is nearly all silence. Always there is normally a good industrial peace forever. Sometimes a strike can occur, but politics is quiet. As far as I am concerned I will say like many others: "America is all right, and Sweden is all right".
The climate has a strong influence on my body. Merely can my greedy appetite bear enough witness to that. I have many excellent swedish friends too, I get on well and hope for the best. Soon will my brother-in-law in Washington come over which will be even better I think.
In Januari there was a cold weather down to 46 farenheit = around 43 celcius. It turned out well tho. You stay inside at cold weather. January was colder than ever within living memory. Nice weather occurred before Christmas. Today has been mild weather, so now it will probaly turn and in March we expect that the 8 inches of snow will be gone. Otherwise have winters of the last years been very mild with less amounts of snow than earlier, when the forests of Michigan had their golden age. Now I have to quit, because I cannot write a comprehensive letter about this country. You must understand that a journey to America is very interesting, so just a small part of that can be told in a letter. Greetings to mother and all in Backen! I will probably write to mother later on.
Brother Hans
P.S There is still plenty of room for emigrants in the U S. Remember that geography tell us it is nearly 3000 (swedish?) miles between the eastern and the western Seas, and between north and south there are some 1,500 miles. If it starts to be overpopulated, I think ports will be closed.
Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson:
- 602 Iron River, Mich. U.S.A. 29 sept. 1912
Kära bror!
Som jag förstår att du ofta far in till Östersund, tar jag mig friheten att sända dig 50 dollars, som jag vill du insätter på ”Upp och afskrifning” i Jämtlands Folkbank för fru Karin Hansson i Bringåsen, så kan hon sen lyfta det när hon vill. Jag torde ej bli värst länge borta härefter, men bestämmer ej om resan förr än efter presidentvalet den 5 nov. Vi ha ännu bra mycket ogjort på de fem hus, vi nu en tid sysslat med. Intet särskilt nytt är att anteckna om ej det att i vissa stater fallit rätt mycket snö, såsom i Minnesota t. ex. Annars har det varit en jämförelsevis rätt kylig sommar och regnigt ovanligt. De sista dagarna har det känts lite af vinterns närhet och några snöstjärnor har ock fallit. En mycket stor byggnadsverksamhet har drifvits här i sommar och torde fortfara till vinterkölden kommer.
Många hälsningar till mor och din familj! fr. bror Hans.
602 Iron River, Mich. U.S.A. Sept. 29th, 1912 Dear Brother!
It is my comprehension that You often go to Ostersund, why I take liberty sending to you $ 50, which I want you to deposit on account in Jamtlands Folkbank on behalf of mrs Karin Hansson in Bringasen, for disposal any time.
Don´t think I´m away a long time after this, but don´t decide travel time until the presidential election is over after Nov. 5th.
We still have quite a lot of work undone on the five houses we are doing. Nothing new to notice, if not quite a lot of snow is fallen , e g in Minnesota. Otherwise there was a relatively cold summer and unusually rainy. Last days we felt some of coming winter and some snow stars (crystals) have fallen down.
Very large building construction works are done on this place this summer and may continue until the winter cold starts.
Many greetings to Mother and your family!
From brother Hans.
Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson:
602 Iron River, Mich. 14 nov. 1912
Kära bror!
Som det ju nu är tiden inne för betalande af skatter i Jämtland, sänder jag i dag till dig en postanvisning å 20 dollars. Af den summan får du taga hvad belöper på min afgift, och hvad öfver blifver lämnar du åt min fru Karin. I sommar ha arbetstillfällena och betalning för arbetet icke varit illa här i landet, tvärtom. Såsom brukar ske, lär det nog bli mindre däraf när kölden kommer. Hittils har väderleken varit mycket lämplig, blid och ingen snö ha vi här. Om det nyligen timade presidentskiftet blir till välsignelse kommer att bero på om nya partiet, som nu makten hafver, vågar att företaga några fördärfliga reformer, eller låter det i hufvudsak gå efter föregående system. Amerikanerna ta saken lugnt, och bida tiden an. Ty de äro ett lugnt arbetande folk, som vill vara i arbetsro och gärna lägga politiken åsido.
Hälsningar från bror Hans.
602 Iron River, Mich. Nov. 14th, 1912
Dear Brother!
As it is now the time for paying taxes in Jamtland, I´m today sending to You a Money order á $20. You have to take from that total what´s required for my payments, and bring what´s left to my wife Karin.
This summer working chances and wages in this country haven´t been bad, just the reverse. As usual it will probably become less of it when the cold is coming. Until now the weather hereby has been very convenient, mildly and without any snow.
If the presidential exchange recently passed will be beneficial, is depending on if the new party in power, dare to make any destructable reforms, or if they let it be as usual. American people take it easy and bide their time. Because they are calmly working people, who wants good working atmosphere and like to put politics aside.
Greetings from brother Hans.
Jan Nilsson comments:
The year is now 1914, WW1 begun in late summer and the whole family did the journey to Iron River, Michigan just before in June.
The journey is well and elegant described by Karin Hanssons diary, but the first part of the following notes is a letter adressed to her 8-year-old son Josef (Joe) from Karin staying for a hospital visit in Stockholm, 400 miles from Bringasen. She had some, for me unknown, health problems , which had to be cured just a few months before going away. Stina is probably the grown-up daughter from the nearest neighbor farmer Nils Anderson. She is married to Per Karlsa from the neighbor willage, Skjor, now farmer after Nils A, but also famous for playing the organ at the Church of Kyrkas up until his 90th year of age. Stina was for the moment employed as home help to Hans Hansson during Karins abscence.
Fiften years later Hans wrote a small paperback book in Swedish, about his experiences from his two journeys, from which I have choosed a chapter with the familys voyage 1914. This is a much more bombastic description than the one that his wife Karin made, maybe influenced from his biblical studies and his work as a pastor in Undersaker to.
The name of his book is in my translation: "In America at the World War - cultural pictures and reflexions by H. Hansson" edited 1930. The content of this book can also be a collection of the same letters to Swedish papers which he mentions in the following letters to Bringasen (Jan Nilsson have not checked them up!).
Tho, just a couple of months before departure Karin had some health trouble and she had gone to Stockholm....
Karin Hansson wrote to son Joe:
- Stockholm 14 April 1914
Min kära älskade Josef! Frid genom Jesus! Tusen tack för båda dina brev. Det som du skref den 5 april har jag först i dag erhållit. Det blef returnerat från hotellet till Sofiah. på torsdag i förra veckan sedan skrev Sofiah. felaktig adress och nu i dag då jag var dit och blev omlagd så fick jag äntligen upplysning om att jag skulle söka breven i Postkontoret Linneg. 9-11 Reklamationsbyrån och mycket riktigt där fans dom, ett från Er och ett från Olga Andersson. Jag tror Ni bli snälla medan mamma är borta. Tack skall du ha för du talar om så mycket för mig. Men du säger ingenting om hur det skall gå nu när ej Stina är hos Er. Det vill jag naturligtvis höra. Stackars barn som vänta mamma varje dag. Ni får sluta upp med att vänta nu ty jag blir nog borta minst en månad till då kan Ni börja vänta.
Du vill höra litet från Stockh. I dag läste jag å Sofiah. på väggen där, att kungen sovit 10 timmar i natt temperatur 37 Puls 59 tillfrisknandet fortskrider. Widare såg jag nu då jag var efter breven, en blomrabatt med vita och gula blommor i april månad. I går plockade barnen här blåsippor ute på Saltsjöbaden. På Nordiska museet har jag sett mycket märkvärdigt. Gubbar och gummor från olika landskap fullt klädda och i naturlig storlek. Men roligt nog så hade de alla samma ansiktsform och min, de voro nog gutna i samma form. På livrustkammaren såg jag Gustaf Andra Adolfs häst, uppstoppad och alldeles naturlig, så sågs även där de skjortor och strumpor som den store hjältekonungen bar då han föll. De äro alldeles nerblodade. Å Nationalmuseet har jag sett konstverk av stora konstnärer. Bilder uthuggna i marmor Carl XIV Johan sittande på sin häst, Gustaf II Adolf, Gustaf III m.m. En moder som ger di åt sitt lilla barn och mycket mer, allt i vit marmor.
Jag vill bra gärna se slottet också men ännu måste jag vara försiktig. Jag är dock rätt bra nu. Har i dag stickat litet på min strumpa. Nu skall du vara riktigt förståndig och snäll. Bed pappa att han hjälper er så Ni får tvätta hela kroppen. Då Ni smutsat ner de kalsonger som äro i pappas låda, så kan du gå upp i skrubben och ta de randiga bomullsbyxorna som Ni då använder. Se till så pappa ger er bra med mat. Ät havregrynsgröt om ej annat. Det få vi här varje morgon. Tack för den berättelse du sände mig den var mycket god. Hälsa Martin att han skall få brev nästa gång. I Martins brev sänder jag en rolig gubbe. Se efter katten och killingarna. Ni må göra litet ost så Ni får till något messmör. Hälsa Stina och alla grannarna samt Farmor. Adjö med dig nu
Från din älskande
Stockholm April 14th 1914
My dear beloved Josef! Peace thro Jesus! Thousands of thanks for both of your letters. Just today I got the one that you wrote April 5th. It was returned from the hotel and to the Sofiahemmet (Sofia Home) Thursday last week, after that Sofiah made a mistaken address and today when I was there for bandaging I got at last the information to look for the letters at th Post office Linne street 9-11, Bureau for inquiry and quite right there they were, one from you and one from Olga Andersson. I think you are kind while mum is away. Thank you for telling me so much! But you aren´t telling what will happen now when Stina isn´t there. I´m of course listening. Poor children waiting for Mum every day. You must stop waiting now because I will probably be away for at least another month, then you can start waiting.
You want to hear a little about Stockholm. Today I was reading on the wall of Sofiah. , that the king was sleeping 10 hours this night, temperature 37 (degrees C), pulse 59, recovery is proceeding. When I got the letters I also saw a flowerbed with white and yellow flowers in April. Yesterday some children picked hepaticas out at Saltsjobaden. At the Nordic Museum I have seen lots of remarkable things. Men and women with clothes and in full size. But curiously all of them had the same shape of their faces, they were probably cast in the same mould. At the Royal Armory I saw the horse of King Gustav II Adolf, stuffed and all natural, even could I see the shirts and stockings belonging to the Hero King when he died. They were all very bloodstained. At the National Museum I have seen masterpieces by great artists. Pictures cut in marble, Carl XIV Johan mounting his horse, Gustaf II Adolf, Gustaf III and so on. A mother giving suck to her little baby and much more, all of it in white marble.
I´m eager to see the castle too, but still I have to be careful. Sure I am quite well now. Today I have stitched on my sock. Now you have to be wise and kind. Ask Pa to help washing all your body. When you have made all the underpants in Pa´s drawer dirty, go up to the closet and take the striped cotton pants for use. Tell Pa to give you enough food to eat. At least you must eat oat porridge. We get that every morning here. Thank you for the story you sent to me, it was very good. Tell Martin that he will have the next letter. In Martins letter I will send a funny lad. Look after the cat and the goat kids. You have to make som cheese to get some whey cheese. Greetings to Stina and to all the neighbors and and to Grandma. Now Good Bye from your loving Mother
Karin Hansson wrote:
Pingstdagen 1914 avreste undertecknad med make och barn till Amerika. Kl 3 e.m. lämnade vi det kära hemmet i Kyrkås där vi arbetat och glatts, hoppats och trott i 14 år i med- och motgång. Steg så på tåget i Östersund kl. 6.30 e.m. och anlände till Stockholm kl. 8 f.m. Där fick vi två timmar på oss att bese staden.
10.20 f.m. lämnade vi Stockholm och fingo då se något av det sköna Sverige. Södermanland och Östergötland voro mycket vackra. Präktiga jordbruk, stiligt byggt. I Småland blev det sämre. Naturen där liknade i någon mån Jemtland. Små dåliga stugor och sten på sten. I Skåne var det annorlunda. Stora fält i yppig grönska med leende gårdar här och där och en hel massa väderkvarnar. Till Malmö anlände vi kl. 9.30 e.m., besökte där Cunardliniens kontor och blev visade till dess hotell. Där var snyggt och trevligt. Vår vistelse i Malmö räckte blott till kl. 2 den 2 Juni. Å Båten medföljde ett sällskap boyscouts som spelade flera låtar å horn. Resan från Malmö till Köpenhamn varade blott några timmar i härligt väder. Så sågo vi fosterjorden för sista gången.
I Köpenhamn blevo vi mycket väl mottagna. Goda bäddar och god mat och vänliga människor. Vi voro ute där och besågo staden. Kungens slott var härjat av eldsvåda för några år sedan och stod nu under restauration. Mitt framför slottet stod en bildstod av Fredrik VII. Köpenhamn verkade svart och smutsigt. Så tillbringade vi natten i Köpenhamn och följde med tåg genom Danmark den 3 juni med början kl. 10 fm. Detta land är idel slättland med mycket väl skötta jordbruk, som denna tid på året prunkade i yppig grönska. Vad boningshusen beträffar voro de av primitiv beskaffenhet. Ett och annat tegelhus sågo vi dock, annars voro uthusen mycket eländiga och belagda med halmtak. Hvad som mest tilldrog sig uppmärksamheten var de välskötta trädgårdarna. Endast här och där skymtade en kyrka. Danskarna tycks ej vara mycket religiösa av sig. Danmark synes vara idel jordbruksland med tegar skilda genom lövträdsplanteringar. Intressant var det då tåget gick in på färjan och vi tåg passerade Stora och Lilla Bält.
Till Esbjerg anlände vi 4.22 e.m. Där synades vi i ögon och händer av en doktor och så fick vi spatsera in på båten. Som vi hela tiden från Malmö till Newyork åkte andra klass så hade vi det kungligt. Det första vi gjorde på båten var att spisa en fin middag bestående av buljong med sparris, kalvstek med legymer och potatis samt vaniljkräm. Så fort vi spisat var det att krypa till kojs på grund av sjögång. Vi undgingo dock sjösjukan den gången.
Den 4 juni på kvällen anlände vi till England, Harwich. Vi stannade å båten över natten och lämnade båten den 5 juni kl. 7 f.m. Där förtullades våra varor. Vi gingo fria genom tullen. Så började en 10 timmars resa genom det sköna England. Här fingo vi dock nöja oss med 3:dje klass, emedan i England ej finns annat än 1:sta och 3:dje klass. I alla fall hade vi stoppade soffor och gott rum. Men o, hur de körde!
England är mycket före Sverige i jordbruksväg. De hade redan skördat grönfodret och alla sädesslag stod i sitt flor. Rågen hade skjutit ax. Här användes även lövhäckar i stället för stängsel. Detta ger åt landet ett mycket vackert utseende. Så har landet ett mycket omfattande kanalsystem. Vid varje liten gård flöt en liten kanals vatten fram. Nästan alla slags buskar buro blommor. Med bostäderna var det sämre. Visserligen voro husen i allmänhet av tegel med tegel- eller skiffertak, men även sämre och med halmtak. Både de stora och små husen voro rökiga samt föga inbjudande. En riktig ladugård såg vi ej å hela sträckan genom England. Troligen ha de kreaturen ute hela året om. Gång efter annan foro vi genom fabrikssamhällen, som liknade städer, men o så rökigt och otrevligt. Än åkte vi över en järnväg, än inunder. England är verkligen rikt på järnväg.
Till Liverpool anlände vi på aftonen den 5 juni. Vi hämtades i droska och åkte till hotellet där vi anvisades rum och bjöds på mat. Där eldade de med kol i öppen spis. Vi spelade pianino och sjöng, åt och drack samt sov gott under natten fast rummet var otrevligt, mörkt, unket och svart. Överallt skulle de ha drickspengar. Liverpool är en ovanligt smutsig stad. Vi sågo människor förskräckligt trasiga och smutsiga. Mödrar som knappast skylde sin kropp, med barn vid bröstet inlindade i en trasa. I Liverpool besökte vi Svenska sjömanskyrkan, där pastor Petri predikade. Vi sjöngo först Tryggare kan ingen vara än Guds lilla barnaskara osv., så n:o 4 i Sionstoner efter predikan: Herren signe du och råde.
På morgonen den 6 juni var vår vistelse i Liverpool slut och kl. 2 e.m. åkte vi i droska ner till kajen och gingo ombord å Mauretania. Båten behövde hela aftonen för att komma ut ut hamnen, men när det bar iväg så gick det med en hastighet av 4½ mil i timmen. Aftonen och natten var skön men på söndagen blåste en frisk bris och vi måste hålla oss i säng hela dagen, utom far som besökte gudstjänsten å 1:sta klassens salong. På Måndagen var det härligaste väder man kan tänka sig. Vi tillbringade hela dagen på översta däck.
Livet ombord är mycket omväxlande. Orkestern musicerar två gånger om dagen. Vi spisar tre gånger samt dricker buljong med biskvi kl. 11 f.m. Te 4 e.m. hytten är fin med elektriskt ljus och alla bekvämligheter, oklanderligt vita filtar och ombyte på handdukar var dag. Bordet är dukat med vita dukar och servetter samt prytt med friska rosor var dag. Maten var förstklassig. Badrum finns för den som vill ta sig ett bad.
På tisdag hade vi något blåst på morgon, så en del blevo sjuka igen, men vi hade glädjen må bra. På måndag var vi uppe på däck och iakttog solnedgången. På Onsdag var även gott väder, men med något blåst. Jag kände mig olustig hela dagen. Far och barnen mådde bra. Ombord hade vi ett ungt par från Belgien som ej fått gifta sig i sitt eget land emedan hon var för ung enligt deras lag. De försökte gifta sig i Liverpool, men de tyckte det det blev för dyrt. De resa dock som gifta i samma hytt, så det skall bli intressant att se om de få landstiga i Amerika. Det är nämligen mycket strängt i sådana fall. Livet ombord går lustigt till. Här är sport av alla slag, skämt och glam. Onsdag afton var konsert anordnad i stora matsalen till förmån för fattiga barn i Liverpool och Newyork. Torsdag hade vi även vackert väder.
Fredag morgon den 12 juni kl. 5.30 voro vi framme i Newyork. Härliga grönskande stränder. Ett stort kyrktorn reser sin spira mot skyn och på en liten holme i havet tronar Frihetsstatyn. Nu sitta vi i dockan och vänta på att få våra saker förtullade. Här är ett myllrande liv. Vi få vänta till kl. 5.40 e.m. innan vi få lämna Newyork. Gå då till Chicago, byta tåg där. Från hamnen åkte vi i droska till Svenska Lutherska emigranthemmet där vi spisa middag som kostar en daler för 4 personer. O, vad här är varmt, 25-30 grader. Skjutsen från dockan och till Emigranthemmet kostade 1,50 daler. Vi lämnade Newyork kl. 6 e.m. på fredag afton. Så fort vi lämnade centralen voro vi plötsligt ute på landet. Vi sågo vetefält och majsfält. Yppig vegetation även här. Amerika är nog bättre än mången tror. Under vår resa från Newyork till Chicago sågo vi många vackra hem och välskötta jordbruk. Vår uppmärksamhet fästes vid de stora fruktträdgårdarna vid de små hemmen, samt vattenturbiner som de använda att driva upp vatten i en stor cistern och sedan tryckes det därifrån in i kök och uthus. Vattenbehållarna voro byggda i rund form högt ovan jorden. Roligt var att se hästar, kor och får vada i gräset som gick dem till knäna, jag tycker de skulle äta ihjäl sig. Husen äro byggda av tegel i allmänhet, men även dåliga brädhus finnas. I Canada var det nog sämst. Vi bytte tåg i en stad som hette Detroit.
Kl 10 e.m. den 13 juni anlände vi till Chicago. Borde nämna att å tåget hade vi gott rum, men tågresan är bra mycket tröttsammare än båt. När man åkt ett dygn å tåg så är man glad att få stanna och vila sig. Då vi anlände till Chicago åkte vi i omnibuss till Nordvästerns station där vi komma att stiga på tåget som för oss till Iron River. En neger tog emot oss. Han var mycket snygg och artig. Förde oss in i stationshuset, som badade i ljus och var det stiligaste jag sett hittills. Jag kan ej beskriva nöjaktigt hur det såg ut, men det var byggt av marmor, invärtes mycket högt i taket och väldigt imponerande. Kostar ock 20 miljoner daler. Där fick kvinnor och barn vila över natten om de så ville, gratis. Männen fingo vila i stora väntsalar med gungstolar och divaner, mycket rent, snyggt och inbjudande. Som vi måste vänta till aftonen den 14:de så måste vi gå till hotell. Fick ett snyggt rum med två stora bäddar. På morron badade vi i badrummet strax bredvid vårt rum. Mat köpte vi i samma hus för skäligt pris. Chicago är mycket trevligare än jag kunnat föreställa mig.
På aftonen den 14:de juni lämnade vi Chicago 9.50 e.m. Vi åkte en lång sträcka genom staden. Den är vackert upplyst. Flera planteringar skymtade förbi med vackra gräsmattor. Natten blev lång emedan vi fingo sitta hela natten. Landet uppåt Michigan är ej så yppigt som längre ner åt landet. På morgonen den 15 klockan 10.45 f.m. voro vi framme i Iron River. Farmar Eriksson var emot oss till stationen och vi fick åka upp till hans farm där vi blevo väl mottagna och förplägades med mat och kaffe. Här är något likt Undersåker. Backar och dalar. En liten sjö ligger strax intill. Yppiga lövträd prunka i sin fägring och gräset växer alldeles vilt på odlad mark. Hos farmaren bodde vi första dagarna, sedan har vi hyrt oss en våning på två rum och kök strax intill. Värden är svensk.
Detta vare nu i korta drag något av vad jag uppfattat under vår resa till Amerika. Vill då till sist tillägga att här är samma himmel, samma Gud och Far som hemma. Solen skiner lika klart och skymmes av moln ibland alldeles som i Sverige.
Travel book
Witsunday 1914 was undersigned with husband and children departing for America. At 3 p. m. we left our beloved home in Kyrkas where we have worked and laughed, in hope and in beleaf 14 years for better for worse. Entered the train at Ostersund 6.30 p. m. , and reached Stockholm at 8 a. m. Here we had two hours time to look at the city.
10.20 a. m. did we depart Stockholm and had some sights over the beautiful Sweden. The provinces Sodermanland and Ostergotland were very nice. Magnificent farms, exellent buildings. In Smaland it became worse. There is nature more like in Jemtland (were Kyrkas is situated). Small and bad cottages and rocks on rocks. In Scania was it different. Large fields in the rich green with nice farms here and there and a whole lot of wind mills.
We arrived in Malmo at 9.30 p. m. , visited the office of the Cunard line and were directed to their hotel. There was clean and nice. Our stop in Malmo just lasted to June 2ce 2 p. m.. With the ship travelled a goup of boyscouts playing several melodies on horn. The journey from Malmo to Copenhagen lasted only a couple of hours in lovely weather. So did we see the native soil last time.
In Copenhagen we were very well recieved. Good beds och good food and nice people. There we went out looking at the city. The castle of the King was destroyed by fire some years ago and is now restored. At the centre in front of the castle was a statue of Fredrik VII. Copenhagen seemed to be blackish and dirty. So did we spend the night in Copenhagen and went on train thro Denmark June the 3rd with start at 10 a. m. This land is all flat country containing very well managed farms, who at this time of the yearwere dazzling green.The living houses looked to be of a primitive sort. There were a few brick houses, otherwise were the outhouses very poor and covered with straw roofs. What was easiest observed was the welldone gardens. Just here and there could you see a church. The Danes don´t seem to be much religious. Denmark looked to be all farmland with the fields bordered by leaf tree plantations. It was very interesting to see the train boarding the ferry when we passed the sounds of Stora Balt and Lilla Balt. We arrived to Esbjerg at 4.22 p.m. Here was a doctor looking at our eyes and hands and after that could we strut on to the ship. As we all the time from Malmo to Newyork vere going second class we went on royally. First thing we had to do on the ship was eating a nice dinner of clear soup with asparagus, a joint of roast veal with vegetables and potatoes and vanilla cream. After eating we went to bed immediately due to rolling. That time did we escape seasickness tho.
4th of July in the evening did we arrive to England, Harwich. We stayed over night on the ship and left the ship 5th of July at 7 a.m.. There our goods was cleared. We went free thro the customs. After thatbegan a 10 hours trip thro the beautiful England. Here we had to be satisfied with 3rd class, because in England aren´t anything between the 1st and the 3rd class. We had at least stuffed sofas and plenty of room. But oh, what a drive!
England is wery much in advance of Sweden concerning the farmers harvesting. They had already harvested the green forage and all kinds of grain vere in full bloom. The rye had formed ears. They also used leaf hedges instead of fences. This give the country a very nice wiew. The country also has a very extensive channel system. At every little farm there flowed water in a small channel. Nearly all kinds of bushes had flowers. But living houses were not good. It is true that most houses were erected of brick walls and tiles or slate roofs, but even worse ones with straw roofs. Both large and small houses were smoky and unpleasant. We didn´t see any real cowstable on the whole trip thro England. They probably keep their critters outside all the year round. Now and then did we run thro factory towns, which looked like cities, but oh what smokiness and unpleasantness. Sometimes did we go over a railway, sometimes under one. England do really have many railways.
We arrived in Liverpool in the evening of july the 5th. A cab took as to the hotel where we had room and got food. They fired coal in open fireplace. We played pianino and sang, we ate and drank and slept well during the night although the room wasn´t nice, dark, it smelled musty and black. They wanted tips everywhere. Liverpool is a unusually dirty city. People looked awfully torn and dirty. Mothers whith nearly uncovered bodies, a baby in trash at the breast. In Liverpool we visited the Swedish Seamen´s Church, where pastor Petri were preaching. At first we sang "Tryggare kan ingen vara än Guds lilla barnaskara" etc, then n:o 4 in tones of Sion after service: "Herren signe du och råde."
At 6th of July in the morning our stop in Liverpool ended, and at 2 p.m. did we take a cab down to the quay and boarded Mauretania. The ship needed all the evening to leave the harbour, but after it had born off, we went away 30 miles an hour. The evening and the following night was nice, but on Sunday we had a moderate breeze and had to stay in bed all day exept Father, who attende divine service at the first class saloon. Monday gave the best weather you can imagine. We spended all the day on top deck.
Life onboard is very changable. The orchestra is playing twice every day. We eat three times and have a cup of clear soup whith crackers at 11 a.m.. Tea at 4 p.m.. The cabin is nice with electric lights and all comforts, irreproachably white blankets and a change of towels every day. Food was first class. There are bathrooms if you will take a bath.
On Tuesday did we have windy in the morning, why some people got ill again, but we were lucky feeling well. On Monday did we go up on the deck to look at sunset. On Wednesday was also good weather, but some wind. I was feeling discomfort all day. Father and children was well.
On the ship there was a young Belgian couple, who wasn´t allowed to marry in their country due to the fact that she was too young by law. They tried to marry in Liverpool but found that too expensive. Tho are they travelling together as a married couple in a cabin, so it will be interesting to see if they are allowed to land in America. In cases like this it is very rigorous.
Life on board is a pleasure. Here is all kinds of sports. joking and gaiety. Wednesday afternoon there was a consert on behalf of poor children in Liverpool and Newyork. Even on Thursday did we have a nice weather.
Friday morning the 12th of June at 5.30 did we arrive in Newyork. Wonderful green shores. A tall church tower rise its spire into the sky, and on a small island in the sea is the statue of Liberty entroned. Now we are sitting in the docks waiting for customs to declare our goods. Then we go to Chicago and have a train change.
- Here in Newyork is a swarming life. From the harbor we went by cab to the emigrants home of the Swedish Lutherans where we have dinner to the cost of $1 for 4 persons. Oh, what a hot weather, 25 - 30 degrees (77-86 F). The fare from the docks to The Emigrants Home was $ 1.50.
We´ll have to wait until 5.40 p.m. before we can leave Newyork. We left Newyork at 6 p.m. As fast as we had left the central station we were out into the countryside. We saw fields of wheat and corn.
Even here was a rich vegetation. America is probably better than many people are thinking. During the trip from Newyork to Chicago did we see many beautiful homes and well managed farms. Our attention was attracted to the large fruit gardens at the small homes, and also the water turbines they used for pumping water upp into a water tank, and from there press it to kitchens and outhouses. Watertanks were formed cylindrical and placed high up from earth. It was fun to see horses, cows and sheep wading in grass up to their knees, I thought that they could eat themselves to death. The houses are in general built of bricks, but there are also bad houses of boards. I think Canada was worse. We changed trains in a city named Detroit.
13rd of June at 10 p.m. did we arrive in Chicago. Should note that we had plenty of room at the train, but that the train trip is much more fatiguing than to go by boat. When you have gone a day and night on the train you are glad to be able to stop and rest. When we arrived to Chicago we had an omnibus to the North western station where we later will take the train to Iron River. A negro welcomed us. He was very neat and polite. Took us into the station building which was bathing in light and the most stylish I have ever seen. I can´t describe very well how it was looking, but it was built with marble, very high up to the ceiling inside and very impressing. The cost for it was $ 20 million. Here children and women could have a rest over night for free. The men could rest in big waiting rooms with rocking chairs and couches, very clean, nice and comfortable. As we had to wait until evening 4th of June, we had to go to a hotel. Had a nice room with two big beds. In the morning did we take bathes in the bathroom just beside our room. We bought food in the same house for good price. Chicago is much nicer than I could imagine.
The 14th of June in the evening did we leave Chicago at 9.50 p.m. We went a long way thro the city. There were beautiful lights. Many plantations with nice lawns was seen flitting past. There was a long night because we had to sit up all the time. The landscape upwards into Michigan is not as luxuriant as further down the country.
The 15th in the morning at 10.45 a.m. we arrived at Iron River. Eriksson the farmer was against us to the station and we had a ride up to his farm, where we were well taken care of and were provided with food and coffe. Here is a bit alike Undersaker. Hills and valleys. A small lake is situated just besides. Lush leaf trees were blazing in beauty and grass grow all wildly on cultured fields. The first days we stayed by the farmer, and after that did we rent a flat with two rooms and a kitchen just besides. The warden is a Swede.
Shortly this is what I have observed during our travelling time to America. Want to add that they have the same sky, the same God and the same Father as we have at home. The sun is shining as clear and is covered with clouds somtimes, all like in Sweden.
Hans Hansson wrote in one of the chapters about the departure to America in his book, 1930:
Nere vid kajen väntades Mauretanias snara avgång. Cunardhotellets betjänter återvände belåtna hem till sitt, sedan de erhållit de sedvanliga drickspengarna, engelska silverslantar. Vi stegade den branta landgången och kommo upp på jätteångarens högt belägna andra klass däck. Där mötte en skara av ångarens tjänstfärdiga varelser. Och efter en hastig kontroll av biljetterna ledsagades vi med brådskande fart till vederbörlig hytt. Närmare två tusental resande, de flesta av dem emigranter, samlades ombord och placerades i olika våningar. Trängsel förekom likväl icke. Dock som undantag därifrån torde böra räknas tredje klassens däck, varest ett större antal sittplatser varit önskvärda.
Mauretanias fyra stora skorstenar utspydde svart stenkolsrök. Landgångarna togos bort. Maskinerna arbetade. Vårt flytande jättehotell om 800 fots längd började sakta röra sig. Detta verkade som en given signal för de sista avskedshälsningarna mellan de avresande och kvarblivna. Några bland dem fällde därvid tårar. Till dem, som ej tycktes berörda av någon skilsmässans smärta, hörde bland andra sådana passagerare, vilka skolkat från sin värnpliktstjänstgöring i Europa och längtade till friheten i väster, ävenså de politiskt känsliga personer, som till följe av de gamla landens militaristiska och krigshotande ställning erforo en viss lättnad i att få vända Europa ryggen.
En så stor båtlast av människor från olika nationaliteter förefaller den vid sådant sällskap oerfarne att vara en egendomlig blandning. Men anpassningsförmågan försummar ej att göra sig gällande, utjämna och närma. Gulingar, kineser, om än här representerad av endast några få individer, uppträda ju lika gentlemannamässigt som de vite männen. De befinna sig sida vid sida. Fortskaffningsmedlet över havet ha de gemensamt. Målet är i många fall lika; Amerika, arbete, affärer o. s. v. Helt oförmodat upptäcker man sig själv redan vara inne i sammanmalningen för den stora demokratien i västern. Ångaren gick nära förbi "den gröna ön," Irland, varest dock icke någon grönska, utan fastmer det solbelysta, blåfärgade havsvattnet ägde större lockelseförmåga att tilldraga sig blickarna. Mest fängslades uppmärksamheten av öns i havet tvärstupande klippor, som enligt en gammal författare "växt upp av havet." Om också icke tillkomna på det sättet, kantade i alla fall en lång sträcka av kusten såsom ämnade till ett orubbligt värn emot havets vågor och vad annat ont, som månde anfalla utifrån.
Hungerkänslan grep resandeskaran. - Vid hyggligt väder tar en vargaptit fatt människorna på havet. - För nämnda smärta fanns säker bot. Ty innandömet av vårt framrusande jättevidunder ägde ett överflödande förråd av goda matvaror. Ångarens kockar hade varit punktliga. Klockan ringde till middag. "The kind of people I like," den sortens folk jag tycker om, såsom en av båtens tjänstemän uttryckte sig om skandinaverna, skulle få äran dela bord med engelsmän. Ty "the swedishman is good," svensken är bra, som en engelsman sade, och just därför hedern åt svenskarna. Men "svartingarna," det är sydeuropeerna eller andra, som kommit från mindre kulturanstrukna folk, inordnades bland sina likar.
At the quay was Mauretania awaiting her depart within a short time. The servants from the Cunard hotel returned back, pleased after getting their usual amount of tips, english silver coins. We stepped high upwards the steep gangway and reached the second class deck of the gigant ship. Their met a team of obliging beings. And after a quick ticket control we were led in a high speed to the appropriate cabin. Nearly two thousands of travellers, most of them emigrants, were gathered onboard and divided amongst different floors. Nevertheless there were no crowding. As an exception you can note third class deck, and there was a need of more seatings.
The four big chimneys of Mauretania belched out black smoke of pit coal. The gangways were taken away. The engines worked. Our floating giant hotel, 800 feet long started a slow movment. This worked like a given signal for the last farewell greetings between departed and left folks. Some of them shed tears. To those, who seemed not to be affected of pain for the divorse, belonged passengers fleeing from military services in Europe and longing for the freedom in the West, and also politically sensible persons, who, due to the militaristic warthreatening holdings of the old country were relieved to turn their backs to Europe.
Such a large shipload of people from different nationalities looks to me as an odd mix to a person inexperienced with such a company. But my adaptability seems to work, smooth out and approach. ”Yellows”, chinese, even if its just a few individuals are gentlemen the same way as the white man. They stand side by side. They have the same means of conveyance over the sea. The target is many times the same; America, work, business etc. Just unexpected do one find himself already in the mill for the big democracy in The West.
The ship passed near to ”the green island”, Ireland, and there where no greenery tho, but much rather did the sunlit, bluecolored seawater catch our looks. At most our attention was captured by the cliffs abruptly descending into the sea, which according to an old author grown up by the sea. Even if not made that way, they at least bordered a long part of the coast line, as were they shaped to a steady defence against the waves of the sea and what else evil which might assault from outside.
The feeling of hunger seized the crowd of travellers – when it is good weather the appetite of a wolf catch people on the sea. Pains of said kind had a thrustworthy cure, because the inside of our onrushing giant monster was supplied with an abundance of good food items. The chefs of the ship had been on time. The bell called for dinner. ”The kind of people I like”, as one of the officials of the ship put it about the scandinavians, had the honor of sharing the table with Englishmen. Because; ”the Swedishman is good”, as one Englishman said, och for that the honor to the Swedes. But ”the Niggers” - those are South Europeans and others - which originated from less cultured people were conformed to their equals.
Jan Nilsson comments:
The year 1915
A little letter from Martin´s cousin of same age, Karin Hansson, Busvebacken to Martin on his probably first year in America.. She became a lifelong penfriend to Martin, lasting until they reached over 90-years of age, but in this first try she forgot the dating of year. It ought to be 1915 when Karin was 9 and Martin 10.
Bringåsen den 5 December
Kusin Martin
Tack för kortet. Jag kände ej igen er strax för ni har blivit så stora. Jag har skrivit flera gånger men det har ej blivit skickat. Går nu i Kläppe på skolan och det är roligt. Erik skall börja efter jul han för då blir den i Lungre. Men vi skall vara i Kläppe 5 veckor efter jul också. Jag bor hos Karin Bengtsson och hon är mycket snäll skall du tro så det är mycket roligt. Jag började skolan den 11 Januari och var examen den 21 Maj och nu började vi i Kläppe den 15 November. Går nu i tredje klass så kanske jag får börja i Folkskolan nästa år. Fick se en flygmaskin i Mars han flög hit från stan Farmor såg den också för han flög mitt över flaggstången på gården. Erik skulle också ha skrivit lite, men han har ej lärt sig så han kan skriva än, men han helsar så mycket. Vi mår bra och du har det nog roligt i Amerika, skall ni inte komma hem snart! Skulle helsa till dig och Josef och Farbror och Faster från Farmor hon mår som vanligt.
Helsningar från din kusin Karin Hansson
- Bringasen 5th of December
Cousin Martin
Thanks for Your photo. I din´t recognize it were you, because you are so large. I have written several times but it wasn´t sent away. Now I am at school in Klappe and I enjoy it. Erik has to start school after Christmas, when it cames to Lungre but we are staying in Klappe 5 weeks after Christmas too. I started school at Januari 11th and had exam at May 21st, and now did we start in Klappe at November 15th. I´m now doing third grade so maybe I will start secondary school next year. In Mars I caught sight of an aeroplane he flew from town and Grandma saw it too because he flew straght over the flag pole on the farmyard. Erik should have written a bit too, but he hasn´t learnt writing yet, but he is Greeting so much. We are well and I think You are enjoying America, aren´t You coming back soon! Should send greetings to you and Josef and Uncle and Aunt from Grandma she is as usual.
Greetings from your cousin Karin Hansson
Martin and Joe selling milk in Iron River? The air photo of Busvebacken is from 2004 but show exactly the same red-painted buldings which my mother Karin had around at 1915. Martin´s photo is from 1917, Iron River.
Hans Hansson wrote to A J Hansson:
114 Stambaugh, Mich. 16.5. 1915.
Bäste Bror Ante!
Nu ändtligen tar jag mig tillfälle tacka för och besvara ditt bref. När jag nu sökte reda på det, fann jag dess dato vara första mars. Tiden går ju så fort, så man knappt följer med. I vinter har ju en hel del arbetsfolk gått utan sysselsättning i det här landet. Många af dem skulle visserligen ha kunnat erhålla någon sämre aflönad verksamhet, om de bara velat. Men hellre än en ringa aflöning hos farmare eller i skogsarbete föredraga de gå sysslolösa, tills mera inkomstbringande arbete gifves.
Som vanligt bli förtjänsttillfällena flera och bättre på sommaren. Jämfördt med gamla Sverige är Amerika alltid stadt i en jäsande och storslagen utveckling. Från amerikansk synpunkt att se, är nu ”dålig tid”, men ej på långt när som under den gamla demokratitiden. Dagaflöningarna ha i allmänhet icke gått ner något betydligare. Men så ha ju demokraterna ej regerat värst länge ännu. Demokraterna äro ett sorts ”liberalt” parti, som lofvar rundt och ej förmår hålla annat än tunt.
Då republikanerna som antagligt är, snart åter komma till makten, väntar man ett uppsving på affärsmarknaden som aldrig tillförne.
En rik tysk härstädes bygger flera hus i sommar, emedan som han sade, nästa år det ej går att få en man för pengar. För närvarande bygger jag ett ”logghus”, d.v.s. ett hus af rundt cedertimmer. Det skall användas till häst- och automobilstall. Det ligger ett stycke utanför stan, på vacker plats vid sjön och tillhör en tandläkare Tyler. Till uppassare eller handtlangare har jag haft en fransman, en rysk polack och Österrikisk tyrolare. Som de äro fredliga till lynnet, så går det bra. Samma doktor skall ock bygga sitt boningshus af ”logg” = rundtimmer. Grunden är snart färdig och det varit ifrågasatt arbete för mig äfven där.
Som jag ej velat skolka från byggnadsarbetet någon dag, har jag sista veckan haft det särdeles ”knogigt”, emedan jag på kvällen, efter kl. 6 plantat potatis för egen farming. Jag torde komma att planta betydligt många bushel. Men för potatis har det varit skäligen tidigt tills dato. Det kan dock vara skäligt försöka få några tidiga, ty för såna kan man få 20 a 30 kronor tunnan, efter svensk räkning.
I senare hälften af april hade vi delvis riktig sommar. En kväll kl. 8 mättes temperaturen till 9 gr. Celsius. En dag antecknades 25 gr. i skuggan. I maj varit mera omväxlande. I dag varit snöblandat regn. Stundom inträffade någon kall natt. Och möjligen komma flera än, ty säker sommar är ej att vänta förr än i juni.
Den 21 maj.
Ända tills i dag har det här brefvet kvarlegat. Brådskan i veckan har förhindrat afsändandet. Denna vecka har inträffat kalla nätter, så nu har äppleblommor och en hel del löf på träden frusit. I dag såväl som dagar förut regnat, hvarför här blir en god höskörd. Af tidningarna ser du den storslagna politik våran president för. När något hundratal amerikaner våga sig gå åstad med Lusitania, som gick till botten, då protesterar presidenten på storslagit sätt mot Tyskland; men han tyckes finna det ”all right”, om amerikanare sända en mängd ammunition, som tar död på hundratusentals tyskar. Men se, presidenten skall väl ock han visa sig vara kar någon gång. Det låter något, och skall väl gifva en skörd af bifall från de patriotiska amerikanerna. Må den fredstid snart komma, som har sin grund i människors omskapelse i kristendomens anda.
Hälsa mor m. flera från oss! Bror Hans.
114 Stambaugh, Mich. 16.5.1915.
Dearest Brother Ante!
At last do I now make time to thank you for and to answer your letter. When I now looked it up, I found the date of it to be March 1st. Time is passing so fast, that you can hardly follow.
This winter have a lot of working people been without labor in this country. Many of them was probably able to get some labor with lower payments if they had wanted to. But more than a small payment by a farmer or in the forestry they prefer to go without a job, until one more profitable is given to them. As usual the profitable works are more numerous and better in the summer. Compared to old Sweden is America always in the midst of a fermenting and great development. From American perspective, is it nowadays a ”bad time”, but no ways like during the democratic times. The daily payments have not lowered very much. But also have´t the Democrats governed for a especially long time yet. The Democrats are sort of a ”liberal” party, promising a lot, fulfil ne´er a lot.
As the Republicans probably soon will return into the power, people are awaiting a raise as never before in business markets.
A wealthy German in this place are building several houses this summer, as it will be impossible to get labor for money the next year, as he said.
At present, I´m building a ”loghouse”, e g a house of round cedar logs. It is a stable aimed for horses and automobiles. It is situated only a short distance outside town, in a beautiful place at the lake and belongs to a Dentist Tyler. As assistants or helpers have I got a French, a russian Polish and an Austrian Tiroler. It works well, as they are in a peaceful temper. The same doctor will also build his living house of ”logs” = round logs. Soon the foundation is ready and there is a question of further work for me here too.
As I didn´t want to shirk from constructing works a day, have I had it especially ”trudgy” the last week, because in the evenings, after 6 o´clock I have planted potatoes for my own farming. I may be planting quite a lot of bushels. But it has been too early for potatoes yet. Maybe it´s a good idea get some early ones, because they can give you 20 a 30 crowns a barrel after Swedish counting. Late half of april did we get a real summer. One evening at 8 o´clock was temperature measured to 9 degrees Celcius. One day did we make a note of 25 degrees in the shade. At May was more changing. Today was mixed rain and snow. Sometimes occur a cold night. And possibly will there still be several, because a reliable summer is not to wait for before June.
May 21st
Right up today has this letter stayed. The hurry of this week has prevented me sending it. This week brought cold nights, so now are flowers and a lot of leafs on apple trees frozen. Today as well as earlier days it was raining, which means we´ll have a good hay crop.
From papers you will see the great politics of our president. When a hundred of Americans dare to go away with Lusitania, which wrecked, then the president is protesting magnificently, against Germany; but he seems to find it all right, if the Americans bring a lot of ammunition, which kill hundreds of thousands of germans. But you see, the President will also show bravery some times. That tells something, and will meet with approval from the patriotic Americans.
May it soon be peacetimes founded by the transformation of human beings in a Christian spirit.
Greetings to Mother and others from us! Brother Hans.